Get Connected

Grow your business beyond your town’s borders with the Hamden Regional Chamber of Commerce.


Are you tired of networking events where people just pass out their cards without bothering to get to know you?

What if you found a group that nurtured quality business and professional relationships instead of cliquey social events?

And what if that group understood that event attendance may not be practical or useful to your business, and gave you other options to maximize your membership?

Wouldn’t you like to be part of an organization that puts helping every size and type of business to thrive at the center of their mission?

Relief From Networking as Usual

The Hamden Regional Chamber of Commerce is the organization you’ve been seeking.  It is the regional business powerhouse you need to make quality connections that grow your network and business beyond your own town’s borders.

We have 15 committees and networking groups for you to choose from, plus monthly and annual community events.

Our Ambassadors and Board of Directors, as well as the Chamber staff, are standing by, ready to introduce you to the connections that will ensure your business’ ongoing success.

We have multi-tiered membership and marketing packages to fit your strategy and your budget, with direct access to over 400 members and the greater Hamden community.

We are building collaboration across town lines for the benefit of all of our member businesses.

So why risk getting pinned down by a card-welding salesperson who won’t let you get a word in edgewise? Come network with us on YOUR terms.

Get Connected

14 + 5 =

You're Invited

Come sample a social event, networking group, or professional development seminar. Click to see what’s on deck.