Women in Business
The HRCC Women in Business Committee is committed to educating, supporting, and enriching the personal and professional lives of women within the community.
At each Women in Business (WIB) gathering we network, lunch, and learn from dynamic speakers who address relevant issues for women in the workplace.
How to Attend
The WIB meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 11:45, typically at Atria Larson Place, 1450 Whitney Avenue or at Benchmark Senior Living at Hamden, 35 Hamden Hills Drive.
Occasional location changes, and “WIB Networking Business After Hours,” are held at various businesses starting at 5 PM.
Lunch and Learn Donation: $10
(Feel free to give more)
Women in Business Scholarship Fund
All donations from our “lunch and learns” and other fundraising efforts, go to the Women in Business Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are awarded to two Hamden High School Female Seniors who will be pursuing a career in business.
For more information and confirm our next location, contact the Chamber at hcc@hamdenchamber.com or (203) 288-6831.
Present to Women in Business
If you are interested in presenting to the group, contact co-chairs, Alicia Watley at (203) 435-0627 or Heather Burrows at (203) 231-4855.
NOTE: All presentations are educational in nature and not for product endorsements.